Editor’s Note – Spring 2020

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Jonathan Cleveland, Ph.D. 

Jonathan Cleveland, PhD

The editorial team at Trauma Psychology News hopes this issue finds you and your loved ones safe and in good health.  In the pages that follow, you’ll find a wide variety of engaging content, beginning with a compelling and timely opinion piece, originally published in Spanish, from Dr. Gonzalo BacigalupeOur feature this month is an empirical article from Cressley, Canady & Fugett-Fuller on prevalence of PTSD in rural EMS workers.  Dr. Ani Kalayjian has sent a fascinating photo essay covering ATOP Meaningful World’s recent trip to Armenia.  Dr. Michael Eigen has provided us with a emotionally-compelling session excerpt, and Rachna Garg, with a heart-felt piece on working with women who have experienced miscarriage   

The issue also contains four poems, each quite different in style and focus, as well as reviews of two books that would make welcome additions to traumatologists’ bookshelves.  In the student section, you find a review of TBI-related literature from budding authors Ignacio & SerpasFinally, don’t forget to stop by the Who’s Who section to learn about up-and-coming Division 56 member, Dr. Rachel Wamser-Nanney. 

In the coming weeks, if you find yourself with time and energy to create, we hope you’ll consider composing something for TPN.   We publish a diverse range of content; articles, letters, opinion pieces, project updates, announcements, poems and photo essays are all considered for inclusion.  The deadline for our summer issue is Monday, June 8th, with publication slated for late July.   

Best regards,  
