Editor’s Note – Summer 2019

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Jonathan M. Cleveland, PhD

Dear TPN reader,

Welcome to our summer issue. Below, you will find a directory of Division 56 programming as well as the hospitality suite schedule for the upcoming convention.  Next, we present an intriguing feature article on romantic relationships between educators and high school students by authors Nunez, Grant, Ambrose, Tencza, and Dalenberg.  In the multicultural section, Dr. Ani Kalayjian discusses a mental health outreach project to the Niger Delta.  Later, you will find Dr. Omewha Beaton’s review of the edited volume, PTSD and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury(Vasterling, Bryant, & Keane, 2012).  In our student section, we have included a literature review by Ms. Kayleigh Watters on a commonly used sexual assault measure.  You will also find a discussion of a recent ATOP Meaningful World event that was hosted by Drs. Diakonova-Curtis, Kalayjian, and Popoff, titled “Women at the Frontier: Healing, Empowering and Nurturing Mindful Leaders.”

Thank you very much for being a reader of TPN and for supporting APA’s Division 56.   Please consider sending an article, letter, project update, announcement, poem or photo essay for inclusion in our fall issue.  The submission deadline is September 9th.

For all those trekking to Chicago, safe travels & have a great convention!



Jonathan M. Cleveland, Ph.D.
