It’s hard to believe that three years ago I was appointed as the editor of Trauma Psychology News. Over that period of time, I’ve met and worked with many brilliant people in the trauma psychology community, which has certainly left a significant impact on me. I immensely appreciate those who put their confidence in me throughout my tenure as editor, most notably Drs. Joan Cook, Beth Rom-Rymer, and Steve Gold. Special thanks to Dr. Tyson Bailey for his efforts alongside me as associate editor for much of my time working on the newsletter. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve Division 56 in this role, and I look forward to working with the division in other capacities in the future.
In this issue, we have an intriguing paper by a philosopher that discusses trauma, emotion, and neuroanatomy in the context of a philosophically inspired take on cognitive therapy. Also included is a thought-provoking piece in the student spotlight section about trauma and incarceration. We hope you enjoy the material, and remember it is not too late for you to submit for the summer preconvention issue!
Let’s welcome the new Editor, Dr. Jon Cleveland. With Jon, along with the rest of the stellar staff, Trauma Psychology Newsis in good hands.
All the Best,