Tyson Bailey Says Goodbye and Thank You to TPN

Tyson Bailey, PsyD

Division 56 has been my home from the moment I became an APA member. Having the opportunity to be part of one of the Division’s publications has been an exciting and humbling experience. Working with the editorial members and authors over the past three years has been provided numerous opportunities for growth and much appreciation for the passion and brilliance of those in our field. Unfortunately, it is time for me to say goodbye to the TPN crew and focus my attention on other endeavors.

I would like to give particular thanks to Renu Aldrich, who gave me the opportunity to become part of the newsletter team. I’m also thankful for Bryan Reuther’s guidance, leadership, and friendship, TPN is in excellent hands with him at the helm. We would not be where we are without Keith Cooke, always ready to support the Division it all its endeavors. Kathy Kendall-Tackett for her belief in me as an editor and support at many points over the past three years. I would also like to thank all EC members, past, present, and future, for their support of the newsletter, and their service to the field of trauma psychology. While I am sad to be leaving TPN, I am comforted knowing that it will continue to be a stellar publication for years to come. Finally, my most sincere appreciations for all those who read and provide feedback about the newsletter.

Although I’m saying goodbye to TPN, I will continue to serve as the web editor and associate journal editor for Division 56. I am looking forward to continuing my journey as a trauma practitioner, author, and editor within the welcoming home of Division 56. Looking forward to seeing everyone at convention and other conferences throughout the year.