Webinar Committee Report

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JanEColleagues, I’d like to introduce myself as the new chair of the Webinar Committee for Division 56.  I am currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at The Center for Stress & Anxiety Management in San Diego, California.  I teach courses on stress management and trauma at San Diego State University.  My research with Constance Dalenberg at the Trauma Research Institute focuses on trauma treatment issues related to ethnic minority individuals.

Under the leadership of the previous chair, George Rhoades, the webinars established an impressive track record and I am honored to continue leading our division in this work.  The webinar series is free and open to the public, focusing on issues relevant to researchers, teachers, practitioners in the field of trauma psychology.  We had a record-breaking turnout with our first webinar of the year featuring Dean Kilpatrick.

This year we will highlight the work of webinar presenters in the Trauma Psychology News.  Expect to see previews and highlights of the webinars in future newsletters.  If you would like to nominate yourself or another speaker for a future webinar, please email me (dr.jan.estrellado@gmail.com).  I hope to see you at the next webinar!