A Time of Change

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Dear colleagues,

As winter approaches, we are firmly nestled in the dark half of the year. This is the time when the earth in the Northern Hemisphere slides into hibernation so that the cycle of life can begin anew in spring. This rest is crucial for the soil to rejuvenate and it reflects our own need for renewal. Many take the opportunity to turn inward for the deep wisdom that fuels our personal growth, to make friends with the shadow self, and to reflect on the things we want to leave behind as well as that which we wish to bring into our lives.

It is also a time of change for Division 56. In this issue of Trauma Psychology News, we say goodbye to President Kathy Kendall-Tackett. She has been an inspiration, and will continue to be a valuable asset to the division. We want to give her a standing ovation in thanks for all she has done on our behalf.

Among her many accomplishments we share in this issue, she and Diane Elmore, our Policy Committee Chair, visited lawmakers on Capitol Hill recently to discuss trauma initiatives. The popular webinar series is now being archived on the division web site for all to hear. Her latest Trauma and Health column focuses on the important issue of health disparities by race and ethnicity. In addition, we summarize the accomplishments of the division at the 122nd annual convention in Washington, D.C.

Also in this issue, Bethany Brand and Linda McEwen explore coverage of trauma in introductory psychology textbooks, while ECP Katrina Sanford shares her research on African-American lesbians and intimate partner violence. Helena Young considers spiritual trauma in treating veterans in her Treatment and Techniques column, and Bob Stolorow reviews a novel that depicts the emotional trauma of a soldier. We also provide a glimpse into active Division 56 member Sandra Mattar, and include many member highlights in the new column Member News.

We remain on scheduled to launch the online version of the newsletter early next year with an issue focusing on international trauma psychology with topics ranging from treatment to research and training to advocacy. Those interested in participating in this special section should contact Elizabeth Carll, Ph.D., chair of the International Committee, at drcarll@optonline.net.

Best wishes,

Renu Aldrich, MA, LMFT


Call for Articles

Trauma Psychology Newsletter is now accepting submissions for the Spring 2015 issue. All articles related to trauma psychology with a focus on theory, research, clinical or community applications, education and training, or policy will be considered. The deadline is Feb. 1, 2015. For submission guidelines per department, please see the TPN Editorial Manual, which is available upon request by contacting Editor-in-Chief Renu Aldrich, MA, LMFT, tpndiv56editor@gmail.com, and Associate Editor Tyson Bailey, PsyD, tdbaileypsyd@gmail.com.