Dear Readers,
Time has flown by; this issue concludes my three-year tenure as editor of Trauma Psychology News. Interacting with delightful Division members and affiliates has been a wonderful experience. I will miss collaborating with my excellent editorial team. Indeed, without Dr. Wyatt Evans, associate editor, and Dr. Jessica Berndt, editorial assistant, creating TPN would not have been possible. I am also grateful for the tireless efforts and consistent communications of section editors Drs. Serena Wadhwa & Omewha Beaton (book reviews), as well as Mr. Jack Lennon & Ms. Emily Rooney (student section). A big “thank you” goes out to our three past Division presidents (Drs. Carolyn Allard, Sylvia Marotta-Walters, and Diane Castillo), as well as Dr. Elizabeth Carll (international section) for offering invaluable guidance and for submitting consistently compelling columns. In addition, I appreciate the good work done by Keith Cooke; beyond compiling and formatting, Keith generated the charming spring and fall themes that have been used in recent issues. Finally, thanks to all of the authors and readers who make the newsletter possible!
As I make my exit, I am comforted to know that TPN is in steady hands; Dr. Viann Nguyen-Feng has been appointed as incoming editor-in-chief by President Allard. Viann is a fellow at Psychological Trauma: Theory Practice Research & Policy and an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she directs the Mind-Body Care Research Team. She has amassed some 20 publications, many related to trauma; an impressive feat considering she completed her Ph.D. only last year. Viann is coauthor of one of this issue’s features, on trauma-sensitive adaptive yoga, and it was her suggestion to invite Dr. Naji Abi-Hashem to be featured in the Whos’ Who section. Welcome, Viann!
For a complete listing of the other excellent submissions included in the fall issue, please consult the table of contents. The editorial board at TPN is excited to receive letters, articles, opinion pieces, project updates, deidentified session excerpts, announcements, poems and photo essays. The deadline for the spring issue is Monday, March 8th, with publication slated for late April. Please send your submissions to: traumapsychologynews@gmail.com
With appreciation,
Jonathan M. Cleveland, Ph.D.