Convention and Beyond
Stepping into the role of editor-in-chief of Trauma Psychology News, I feel lucky to have benefitted from the direction provided by Drs. Bryan Reuther and Tyson Bailey over the past year. In the dozen years since its inception, TPN has grown into an increasingly strong publication. It strikes me that this growth is probably attributable both to the guidance provided by long-established supporters as well as to the energy and enthusiasm infused by newer members of the division.
Beginning this issue, Dr. Wyatt Evans moves into the role of associate editor and Dr. Jessica Berndt assumes the duties of editorial assistant. During our first meeting this past month, the editorial team engaged in generating ideas around improving organizational efficiency and garnering an increased variety and volume of submissions. We are excited to begin our efforts toward creating future special issues. Be on the lookout in the coming year for an issue devoted to current theory and research in the domain of dissociation.
In the current issue you will find a helpful directory of Division 56 convention programming as well as a schedule of events for the hospitality suite, created by Dr. Delishia Pittman. Also, Dr. Elizabeth Carll, our past president, has sent an update on the Refugee Mental Health Network. Later in the issue, we have included an urgently important piece on sex trafficking, written by early career psychologist, Dr. Althea Stephens. In addition, be sure to visit this issue’s Who’s Who section to learn about Dr. Blair Wisco from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
The editorial team at TPN looks forward to continuing to provide interesting and informative content to Division members in the coming year. We hope to see you at the conference!
Jonathan Cleveland, Ph.D.